Change Leadership
Organizational Diagnostics and Discovery
A job-family based multi-year change initiative to improve the student experience of academic advising at UC Berkeley. Performance interventions included extensive pre and post organizational diagnostics, learning assessment, competency based in-person learning, social and culture building activities, an eLearning on-boarding program (NewBE), career coaching sessions, recognition programs and development of a campus-wide communications platform, the Advising Matters website.
ROLE: Lead consultant, analyst, researcher, instructional designer, trainer, event manager and coordinator, visual and graphic designer, communications strategist, assessment specialist and project manager.
Collaborators: Amber Dillon, Donna Vivar, Marie Lanigan, Yukiko Watanabe, Julian Ledesma, Susan Hagstrom, Amy Azuma, Jennifer Chizuk, Evanne Torrecillos, Wilmer Castro and Melanie Green.
AUDIENCE: 1000+ employees
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY: Hybrid, Competency Based
eLearning modules built core competencies and were supplemented by in-person instructor led workshops on related topics.
Weekly "back to practice" challenges ensured knowledge transfer and provided opportunities to practice new skills. Active learning strategies included case study, small group discussion, peer teaching, role play, reflective questions, writing and project based assignments. Learning communities also supported social and informal learning. Incentives (badging and certification) were offered to reward and motivate. Cutting edge content of high interest and practical use to adult learners ensured relevance to employees at all career stages.
IMPACT; Highest participation rate of any job family based non-mandatory learning program at UC Berkeley (73% of target audience reached). Measurable impact to staff morale, engagement and improved student experience of advising.
Mary Slakey Howell Award, 2019 for leading campus-wide change
Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Award, 2018
National Academic Advising Association for Outstanding Institutional Program, 2016
National Academic Advising Association, Best of Region (9) Conference Presentation, 2016, Not an Easy Place, Helping Anxious Students Cope
National Academic Advising Association, Best of Region (9) Conference Presentation, 2014, Program Assessment Simplified
Speaking Engagements by invitation:
Tokyo University, 2019
Stanford University, 2019
University of California, Los Angeles, 2018
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2019
University of Norte Dame, 2016, 2017, 2018
Participant evaluations:
-I have attended since the first learning circle which was terrific and every one there after has been even better. This is a great achievement. I have been on campus for 12 years and no other courses or trainings have been as intelligent or practical. You and the team should be very proud.
-Deepened my pride and respect for the work I do and as a result of these Circles the importance of our profession will become better known and respected on campus.
-I was honestly not expecting FERPA training to be this enjoyable. I thought it was really well done.
-Fan-flipping-tastic presentation and program. Thank you.
Project overview:
Elizabeth Wilcox took a newly created campus-wide position and actualized it into something far greater than expected. Her work has created community with a strong sense of empowerment and engagement. Elizabeth is the foundation, the glue, the coach and the cheerleader! She has helped so many others shine.
Elizabeth, a heartfelt thank you for your dedication, partnership, contributions, genuine care and leadership at UC Berkeley.
-Erika Walker
Every time I meet Elizabeth, I am inspired by her visionary-yet-practical approaches. Because she is always at the growing edge of her thinking and sense making, I am inspired to try to find my own creativity and expand beyond my current boundaries.
-Amy Azuma
There is no one on the UC Berkeley campus who has made a greater contribution to the professionalization of advising than Elizabeth Wilcox. Elizabeth led the transformation of advising at Cal and has built and sustained a truly inclusive community of practice, promoting the advancement of all students and advisers, and significantly raising the profile and visibility of advising on the Berkeley campus and nationwide.
-Susan Hagstrom